Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Goat anti-Rabbit.. no wait... Rabbit anti-Goat. Whichever... it's your peptide and mine.

Greetings, my loverly readers. I still haven't got much to say. I'm feeling awfully burnt out lately. My mind needs a vacation from me, and I from it. It's getting cold in New York... and it's still bloody August. What a state this world is in.
The next two pieces express two completely different ideas. That is exactly why I am posting them together.
Enjoy, mine friends.

Paper Clips and Plastic Cups

5 am
swallowed in rain
and the world has given up on summer
and he has given up on the world
and he's given up on finding
pretty words to
explain himself.
Some Arid Sunday Song

Rain drops falling slowly -
Soft kisses on my flesh
trying to seduce me...
No need, my dear. In truth
I'm already in love
with this world. Its wonders
long ago claimed my heart
engulfed my soul in song
And I, in return have
tried to ink a tune in
response. And I will try
until this pen falls from
my lifeless fingertips.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Shadows are casting Us

So... I haven't posted in ages... again. And I don't feel quite like babbling... again. Been up all night... again. Got work this afternoon... again. Life is a big fucking ball of redundancy. And cynicism.

The following poems be (yes, be) about half edited. I got a couple things I'm feeling unsure of... but at the same time... I love them. So... read, absorb, enjoy.


Jim Irving’s Monster

When it began
They came for him
Peeking through his windows
Once or twice a month
Always watching
Never touching
But in time
They grew in courage
Entering if only to
Misplace his ashtray
Or steal a cigarette

When he could take no more
They came more often
Robbing shirts
Or books
Or any random thing
Left out for their hands
Until he nailed the windows shut
And added three more locks
To a thrice locked door.

For a time there was peace
Before their diligence
Kicked in
And they would come
Every other night,
at times
Making their way through the pipes
In the bathroom.
When he grew aware of this
They bore cavities in the walls
To listen to his thoughts.
They crawled beneath
The concrete tiles of his
Single bedroom apartment,
Every so often
Lifting a stone to revel in the madness
They were causing him.
Every night they came
Whispering taunts just
Loud enough for him
To catch the final breath.

It wasn’t long before
Emboldened by his torment
They came in the light of day
Whispers growing in volume
until they were little less than
conversations for his benefit..
Conversing his death
And how they would see to it
How quick
How slow
How painful.
He suspected everyone.
No one was alien to this plot.
Friends. Family.
All craved nothing more
Than the end of him
Everyone but himself
Was the enemy
Until he himself
Was the enemy—when
He caught the whisper
In his own mind

Was trying to kill

But he couldn’t let it happen
Couldn’t let the beast in his
Mind be his demise.

Would rather kill

Death was surprisingly silent
Peacefully so.
Needle dangling from his arm
Though he couldn’t feel it
Couldn’t taste anything
Couldn’t smell…
His sight did little more
Than distinguish light from dark.
The light was fading
And the dark was growing darker
Darker still
But he cared for little then
He was happy knowing the eyes
Beneath the ground
The ears behind the walls
The voices in his mind
Would cry
Because he had stolen
Their prize.

Conejo Malo

I was afloat
Roaming the fields
Of Hypnos when
Morpheus, treacherous
Curséd bastard
Came to me in
Your form. Your face.
And I, being
Foolish and fond
As a child
Found life again
Among these damned
Kinsmen of death.

Your voice was as
I’ve remembered
And adoring.
Your eyes pierced me
The slumbering
Essence of love
Aimlessly veiled.
Your smile, bold
And authentic
Once more released
The best of me.

Hours, minutes
Seconds we spoke…
Of which I am
Unsure, but I
Surely jabbered
On – remorseful
Desperately in
Search of pardon.
No – punishment
Wanting only
Your rejoinder

You, who had said
Little during
My rambling,
Reached out a hand
And gently stroked
My face, drawing
Me closer and
Cradling me.
You spoke of pain
And destruction…
Your heart and mine –
Of our love.
You sang of joy
In our sweet dance
Recalling nights
I’ve never lost.
Speaking until
The sunlight took
Hold of the sky.
Unfolding hearts
And revealing
Our souls in
Absolute and
Unquestioned faith.

As I, immersed
Again in love,
Approached your lips
With mine, you sighed.
And asked if I
Recalled the vow
I made that one
October night.
I reaffirmed

“I will take this
world with my verse
and present it
to you, my love.”

You smiled, that
Life defining
Smile, and stepped
Back leisurely
Into the haze
Of morningtide.
your voice, like fog,
clung to my flesh

“Then awaken
and fulfill your
promise, my love.”

Monday, August 6, 2007


Greetings, readers. It has been a while since I've posted, aye? I'd love to say I'm been neck deep in some sort of progressive movement, personal or otherwise, but I've pretty much been a lazy sunzabich. Drinking my liver to ruin, for the most part. All of today's piece were born of alcohol, except for My Lily which was a bit of a challenge proposed by a couple of friends of mine.
Backstory: I had this old poem named My Lily which a friend of mine was talking about. Newer friend, named Lily, wanted to hear it (for the sake of her name). I couldn't remember the bloody thing, so she challenged me to create another. It's a five minute monster, but I kinda fancy it. So yeah man... don't challenge the River Man. He bites!
Going to another writing group meeting tonight. Probably going to read one of these... everything else is still in the process of being written. Mind you, these aren't done. These are roughs... eventually (probably not really) I'll get back and clean up the loose threads. Enjoy.


How many times must I
spread my mind across
a page before I find
what hides beneath
what lurks within
these ragged lines
in search of soul.

What is a soul
        to a scientist
        to a poet
        to our godless kind
and how many lives must
I live to find it?
How many have I lived already?
Shed all I've been
in blind obedience to
what I am to be...
(only to become myself)

Spent so many mornings
   like this
bathed in the twilight,
thoughts drowned out by
the passing train cars
before I can spill them
from my pen tip.
What has been lost?
Something great,
I fear,
lost on the wings of angels
trapped in my cigarette smoke.

I scribble still
in search of whatever is
caught between this love
of light and dark
in search of a soul.
A plan, an answer
a blueprint to this device.
In search of a number
as well, perhaps...

How many times must I
spread my mind across
a page before I find it.

Mrs. Hatiko's Escape

The sky was baby blue
when she left
early Sunday morning.

In truth she had been
gone for days...
months even.
She finally had to follow
her heart.

She left him breakfast
on the kitchen table
turned on the coffee maker
laid out the days newspaper.
She considered leaving a note
detailing the reasons for
her departure but she
hoped he would have known.
Wished he would understand.

Instead she left a single
purple post-it
'I'm Sorry'
written in her finest cursive and
stuck it to the night table beside
His sleeping form.
She fought the nagging tears beside
his sleeping form.
whispered softly I love You beside
his sleeping form.

The sky was baby blue
when she got in the cab
Early Sunday morning.

My Lily

If I may be forward
Dear Lily,
If I may recite these line
wet with ardent admiration.
Words reserved for quiet times
between friends... lovers.

Dear Lily,
I must admit the sun sets
in your eyes
and I find myself following
it into the depths of your soul.
Immersed in the sweet song
of your heartbeat
feeling closer to home than
I ever have.
I'd be lying if I said
you weren't often on my mind.
If I said your voice doesn't
bring me to life with every
sound it wraps around.

Dear Lily,
you are the centerpiece
in the garden of my heart.
The fields of my soul often
carry your name on their breeze
And I am adrift among them
like some lovesick child.

Dear Lily
My Lily
if only in my mind
if only in my heart

You are

My Lily.
Parting Lips

Stumbling drunk through
paper dragon cutouts...
The wreck of a setting sun
flooding this little path
in song
never sung.
A note in his head
painting this little path
in colors
never seen.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Surgeon General warns, but the River never listens.

Still not in the babbling mood. But.. why the hell not post some random shat? Saw Pan's Labyrinthlast night. That is a freaky friggin' movie. If you haven't seen it, give it a glance.

... Well.. I really haven't much to say. Could be because I'm exhausted. Time fer me ta hit tha hay.

Quietly Now

Hold your breath
and watch your step,
my dear,
don't want to wake
these sleeping strangers.
They need not know our
nightly dance with damnation
or our
godless romps through paradise.
They need not know
of our time spent
in the sweet cover of shadow.

At times, the appearence of power is more potent then power itself

Greetings readers. I hope all bodes well for you and yours. Not much to say today. Well, that might not be entirely true... but I haven't much opportunity to go on for very long. Perhaps tomorrow night, or Monday's. I just felt the need to post a couple more things I've scribbled.


Candlelight and Betrayal

I've heard it said before
that soap washes itself.
And I've heard it said before
that mud is worse than dirt.
And in truth
these lies have never
impressed me much.
So I guess I'm free
from impression.
A dangerous look often
works better than a
well thrown punch,
they say,
though until I see the proof
I'll keep my swinging up.
Jensen was the Wisest


Monday, July 23, 2007

This just in...

Man oh man, that last piece was kinda crappy. Guess insomnia will make anything seem wonderful. Either way, I was digging 'round the ol' book pile and found something I scribbled a long time ago. Thing is, I laughed when I read it. So I will post it. And title it... Humor.


Won't you listen, dear?
You say I'm talking in circles
but I swear I've got a point
I've walked this line so many times
trying to find the right angle,
but I fear I haven't any left.
Please, won't you listen dear?

Does this guy ever sleep?!?

Yes... I assure you I do. Just having a bit of an insomnia-ridden weekend. It isn't all bad though; Insomnia is a great tool for writing. Lines spew forth with ease. Granted, headaches are usually accompanying them... but... you've got to accept the good with the bad. This next piece, yes yes - You're getting the hang now! - is right out the mind. I have some others I want to tweak before I post. You heard correctly... I used a synonym (if slangish) for edit. I do want to change a couple things. But until then... read this one. The River Man implores you.


She does what she must
Because she must.
No one knows if thats enough
but they accept it,
afraid to shatter their
homes of glass
they let the stones be.
Instead flicking pebbles
into filthy corners when
her eyes are turned away.

"Dirty whore"
they often begin,

"I bet she enjoys it."

"I bet she wants it,
Needs it even."

"It's probably for drugs,
Junkie bitch."

Their slander makes them giggle.
They aren't evil,
their minds just need to
balance the evil that
slops from their mouths.
A light-hearted laugh to
ease their conscience.

Hate in jest isn't really hate,
they tell themselves.

Far from their laughter
she's coiled around a pillow,
squeezing the life from it.
Wishing it were herself.
Her face is drenched in tears.
Her mouth tastes of vomit -
She welcomes it.
Any taste but his.

The humming begins
in her mind. Always does.
Calming as she
reminds herself
She does what she must
because she must.
She knows thats not enough
but she accepts it

and hums herself to sleep.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday Sunday Sunday... Again?!?!

Another sleepless night. This one is mostly my fault though. I am about to go to bed. It's worth noting I hate going to bed as the sky begins to brighten. It feels like such a waste of natural light. Guess you can tell we evolved from diurnal creatures. I did once, so long ago it seems now, love the nocturnal life style.
These pieces are a little old (well, two of them are) but... there was actually some editing done! Whoo Hoo man, Whoo hoo. I was flipping through an old book. I like the style I was using. Not far from my current style, but different nevertheless. So I played around a bit and created this one. Its obviously current, as the tone is 'Neo-River Man' but its a shot. I like trying to recreate my old styles. Eventually, I will meld them all into that unmistakable River Man-ness. One day Ky they will be saying 'Joe Shmoe is the new River Man.' =) Enjoy.

In Truth

At times
When I close my eyes
in search of sleep
I find you and am lost
in the comfort of
my head on your thigh.
The soothing strokes of
your hand through my hair.
The succor of your
soft song in my ear.
The shine of your smile
and paradise in your eyes.

At times such as these
waking is like death.
As It Is

She waits for me
beneath a street lamp
somewhere, and I...
I wait for her
swallowed in a shadow
beside a dozen huddled men.
Their breaths forced,
shredding the silence
I cling to for sanity.

The lamp is
faltering. Blinking
in and out
tears further down her face
with every shine
and I pray
to a fading god
Pleading she's kept
in that glow.
Selling my soul
to the darkness that binds me,
for however long it wants me.
So long as she never has to know
the chill of this void.
A Lone Wolf's Howl

Blood was to be the end of us.
The fall of an angel caused
by its own existence.

Throwing my manly facade aside I admit -
Oceans have poured from my eyes in our honor.

Laying forlorn on a stone
above the world, tying
ribbons to the stars.
Confessing my apologies.
Declaring my adoration.
Hoping you will catch
the change is shine.
and read the thoughts
I've inked for you alone.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Thursday and Friday are One

Well, I cannot sleep. Or perhaps, on some subconscious level, I don't want to. The sun is officially up (I think) which means I stop trying to go to sleep. Just finished watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind for the hundredth time or so. That is, hands down, my favorite movie of all time. If you haven't seen it yet, go watch it now. Please. It is necessary.
I'm a huge Jim Carey fan. The man has a great deal of talent, far more than any give him credit for. I guess he cursed himself with being too good a physical comedian, leading to difficulty in anyone seeing him in any other light.
In truth, though, I guess my interest in this movie has more to do with my twisted attraction towards movies having to do with sad and often doomed romances. My top three movies would be: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Requiem for a Dream and Lost in Translation. Great flicks. If you haven't seen one or more of them, again - check them out. I suppose out of the three, the open ending of Spotless leaves a happier taste in the mouth. However, I have had a few discussions with people about it and they have different takes on what happened after the final scene. Unsurprisingly, I prefer my view.

I feel a bit like babbling. Honestly, I also feel as if this feeling is going to quickly wear off. In the meantime, I'll aimlessly speak of other movies I happen to like and, if I can explain, why.
The Jacket, for the same twisted romance angle and because their is something about time travel that takes hold of my attention. That's the reason behind my interest in Donnie Darko and Twelve Monkeys as well. Admittedly, Monkeys was a pretty bad movie. The plot was random, at best. Nevertheless, when it is on I am hooked.
The Final Cut and One Hour Photo because I think Robin Williams is another underrated actor, in regards to serious roles. While photo was sketchy at times, Cut was pure genius. Did I ever mention I'm a freak for the unrealistic. Throw in time travel, or some twisted futuristic technology and I'm in for the long haul. What can I say? All I read as a child were fantasy novels. The real world seems so damn boring, doesn't it?
300 and The Last Samurai because I have an obsession (racking them up here, aren't I?) with the classic warrior model and all the honor that was involved. Modern warfare is so impersonal in my mind. A true, honorable warrior gives his enemy the respect of looking in his eyes as he plunges his sword into their gut. I see no valor in picking an enemy off at a mile away. Whenever I catch a Discovery Channel special featuring previews to "the future weapons" that will kill a man from a greater distance a bit of the Samurai inside of me dies.

There are more -Piñero, Come see the Paradise, Manic and Crash to name a few - but I am officially tired of babbling. You are now free to read verse. Enjoy.

Bus Ride Observation

Innocently eying the interaction
of the couple across from me
and I wonder...

Why doesn't anyone really speak any more?

Our mouths are better labeled
with all the shit they spew.
Late Night Drive

Hung over
chasing phantoms in a
fog covered field,
grass spitting morning dew
onto my calves
and I can't believe
how far I've come.
Memories burst in clouds
of smoke
and lines of white
stinging something like
yet soothing still, like
new love.

A thought amidst the chaos:

Of all the things I've been
I think I liked myself the most.
And I wish so goddamn hard
that I could find him
out here
in this haze.

Air Conditioned air
fills my small room
and I lay
On the verge of shivering
too damn lazy to stand...
But is it lethargy?
Perhaps I want to lay
Cold seeping through
my every pore,
coating every bone,
for sake of having part in
the summertime headline
'Man Freezes to Death
in the Middle of July.'

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesday Blues

Hello all. I don't have much to say today. I'm at another low point on that roller coaster. And I'm late for work. So, here's today's piece. Enjoy.

My Heroin[e]

She sat half naked
Dingy robe far beyond its lifetime
covering her well worn skin.
She hated clothes
hated what she felt they stood for
and though she couldn't recall
what she felt they stood for
she hated them.
She had come to know hate well.
Love was a tainted word for her
so she cast it aside with clothing.
Nudity was amazing
only second to the sweet kiss of
a needles point to her thigh.
Her arms had long lost their use,
all veins buried somewhere far
from that bittersweet kiss.
She sat
half naked
staring at the blinking numbers
of her VCR
resting atop a television
that had lost the ability
to show any more than
her darkened reflection.
Always Twelve o'clock.
She liked it best at
twelve o'clock.
It was her time to be freed
by that sweet kiss.
So cold
that kiss
but it became so warm
and her...
she became so serene
Sitting naked
beneath that dingy robe.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunday Sunday Sunday

G'Afternoon readers. East US afternoon at least. I had a particularly uneventful Saturday night. A couple of beers, a viewing of Apocalypto, and entirely too much sleep. The past few days I've been sleeping well into the day. I used to love waking up at noon, but now it makes me feel like a bum. This whole working nights thing is screwing up my schedule. I'm going to have to do something about that before classes start again.I posted a few pieces today, all written within the last few days. Enjoy, dear reader.

A Real Man always asks for Directions

Where can a poet run
when he's tired of his own words?
When he's sick of his own words.
I'd like to find that place
and call it home for a while.
Changing the Station

Your voice
is little more than
a whisper somewhere
in the back of my mind
and if you don't mind
I'd like to forget you.
I've been carrying you so long,
these shoulders need a rest.
I've got to lose myself in
some other tune.
Some other song but ours.
She Says

"Don't go home, please."
More demand than request
but either way I feel
I can't grant it.
I'm far too tired of
our dance.
How many times do we
have to fuck our way
into friendship,
only to fight our way back out
when we're done?
The eternal question
nagging my mind more than
the meaning of life:
What is the meaning of love?
or lust
or whatever twisted game
we play too well
or horribly.
I don't know anymore.
I only know I can't be here.
Not now.
Wishing I'd said all that
I mutter
and disappear out the door.
It'll happen again.
It always happens again.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Pampered Leaf Society - Unite!

Greetings all. How was your week? Mine flew by at light speed. I feel as if I've gotten very little done in the last couple weeks. I know the things I should do... it's just that process of getting off my ass and doing it. --And the River Man has just been hit by Déjà Vu. Always happens when I talk about needing to get things done.
On another note, went to the second meeting of The Writing Group. It's turning out to be a good move. I do so enjoy writing for a crowd -- Didn't you notice? And there are some very talented people there. Highly inspirational. I'm working the next meeting, but I'm going to see what I can shimmy.
Today's piece was written a couple days ago. You guessed it - No editing. Enjoy.

Jamais vu

It was a pampered leaf, really
bearing no scars
of insect jaws
No blisters filled with
Some unknown progeny.

Born on a cool
Spring morning
shortly after a downpour
and just before sunrise.

Spring flew by
as all childhoods do -
In a haze of fragrant flowers
and refreshing rainfall,

but Summer was its greatest time.
Long days of soaking in
sweet sunshine
deep breaths taken in the
cool nights.

A lark would sometimes
settle beside it and
sing of far off lands.

A troop of ants
mindlessly absorbed in their orders
would occasionally march along
its tender flesh.

Bright green and
tender flesh
grew brittle in the coming cold,
breaths slowed
and the orange of a life lived
swallowed its appearance.

shortly after a chilled shower
and just before dawn
it loosened the hold on
its mother
and silently drifted
into the darkness below.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

And so he returns...

'Ello all. I'm back, and typing this for the second time because I'm a fucking idiot. Inevitably, it will be only a quarter as good as my original rant (as is always the case when trying to reclaim lost work). Chicago was pretty good. It was a bit like a slow paced New York, and when I wasn't bored - I was having a reasonably good time.
One downfall: I found myself to be completely wordless the entire time. I guess Aoide prefers New York. Hopefully she returns to my side now that I've come back. I'm sure she will.

I honestly don't feel like retyping this. Sorry. I'll post something later with more detail. Enjoy my attempts to write without my sweet muse.


Does the moon
ever visit
this city?
I can't seem to find
peace without it.
Listening to my own
labored attempts
at breathing
and the distant
of a fountain
I have long since
lost sight of.
Not a Second Glance

Laid out
above Chicago
in the summertime heat
Words won't seem to come to me
Haven't been since I
First arrived
in this city.
My sweet Aoide
Do you desire New York?
Do you miss the
crack heads and
coke fiends?
Do you miss the
alcohol drinking
and dice rolling?
Do you miss that
same old shit?

Friday, July 6, 2007

Ch Ch Ch Chicago

The ol' River Man is headed out towards a lake of greatness. I'm off to Chicago for a Plant Biologist Conference and I'm actually more excited then one would expect an event like that to entail. I'm tired as hell though, as I haven't actually slept yet. I went with a couple of friends for an all night drive. I figure I'll make up the needed sleep (or a small portion of it) on the plane.
I expect heavy inspiration from this trip, so I should come back with plenty to post. In the mean time I figured I'd post a few random scribbles. Enjoy, dear readers, and have a great weekend.

Upon Waking

I am most jubilant
and despondent
when I am in solitude -
with no more company
than a cigarette
and a beer,
Trying desperately
and in vain
to escape thought itself.
Wayward Angels

We thought
wayward angels were
directing our curious dance
with the unthinkable.
So young
swallowed in an ageless love
(or so we labeled it
in silly midnight conversations
awash with
excessively sweet lines
resembling a sickening love song)

in our filthy offshoot
of heaven.
Some When

Locked in awkward conversation,
we couldn't end the silence.
The queen of hearts and I
and I,
the jack of all trades
and nothing at all,
could find nothing to say.

It ended there
in silence
and cumbersome glances.
Bluest Blues

Beside a forest of empty
beer bottles
and a lonely cigarette
in its own box,
He contemplates his worth

The conclusions he reaches
are astounding-
ly disappointing
and he burns the sole survivor
in response.

Thursday, July 5, 2007


Happy (late) 4th of July, U.S. readers. It's late and I'm tired, but Aoide has been singing my ear off all night. I told her I'd post this latest one, then go to bed. She agreed. Edits may or may not come. Enjoy.

What's the Use?

3 O'Clock
in the morning
Eating cold Chinese food
to the retreating haze
of a night worth of
beer drinking
and I can't help but think
(as the chicken lo mein slides
down my throat)
Is this to be remembered?
When I'm long gone
to dust and worm shit,
when my name is forgotten
from the minds of my
Will this moment -
Spent greasy lipped,
somewhere on the edge
of a stomachache,
lost in ink and thought -
be worth any more than
the dirt I'd become?
Will any humanity,
any reality of who I am
remain with the name
on the gravestone?

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Running Late

Coffee stains the page,
turning lines
struggled for
fought for
from the mind of a poet
into an inky mess.
In this he feels
but no sadness
because a true poet
is no master of words
but one of the
meaning behind them.
Sleep Walking

My life has felt like
a dream
not in the ideal
Blue skies
and butterflies way.
as if at any
I'll wake to find that
my mind
has created all
I've been
and I am just a
with no idea of
the world
I was born into
and tried
so desperately to

Monday, July 2, 2007

Show me a killer. Please.

Another wild weekend passes by, with a huge switch in alliances. Apparently, I am no longer in a circle I didn't quite realize existed. More importantly, people I had begun to trust (unwarranted trust, mind you) proved to be a bit... wishy washy?
My family is hilarious. I know all families have bizarre and amusing interactions, but I think mine is one of the few with death threats.
For those confused, I started some war with the majority of the family I'm in contact with. Regret level: 0. What can I say? My brother is a punk. Such is life.
Today’s piece was just finished 45 seconds or so before I began writing this little rant. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't heavily inspired by a morning of Bukowski and Gluck. Ah, and my dear Aoide of course. Great set of muses to have, wouldn't you agree?

What happens then?

"You're killing yourself"
She maunders,
casually chewing a handful of cashews.
I can't help but smile,
threads of smoke escaping
my overbite.

"You're probably right."
But I'm awfully sick of

I keep the last half to
raising my cigarette
to my lips
I'm sure she knows already-
it's hard to hide indifference.
Harder still to get over it.
Eventually I'll try.

"Don't you ever worry about dying?"
Her eyebrows are tight already,
as if she’s angry at the response
I haven't given yet.

I choose not to give it.

"I worry more about living."
The crowd in my mind
goes wild.
The world moves smoothly when
You're your own biggest fan.
Wordy wordsmith: One Point.

"You and your fucking poetry.
If you'd listen to listen
instead of listening to respond
you'd be a lot better."
She's fuming now
and I swear I can see
(thicker than the stream rising
from my sweet cigarette)
seeping from her nostrils.

Taking a long drag,
I can't help but smile

"You're probably right."

Thursday, June 28, 2007

How About That

Going a little crazy today, ain't I? Looking a bit like the ol' Gypsy. Those short ones are older. I had them on some other blog and sort of rediscovered them. I'm feeling alright at the moment. Still feeling distant... but now its being covered with indifference. Knowing my moods, it'll swing again.
Separate, scientific note: I'm mildly interested in virology. Herpes intrigues me. Is that weird? It would be great to find a vaccine. Pipe dreams, dear readers, pipe dreams. I haven't the will (at the moment) to invest that amount of time on that road.
One day, I s'pose.
I've been bitten (or perhaps visited in a friendly manner?) by a muse. With research, I have located the name of my admirer. Aoide. She is indeed the butterfly upon my shoulder, singing inspirational sweetness. I'll write about her soon, I think.

Mr. LyDale's Demise

What is it?
Why do you bother me so?
Did I cross your path
Somewhere along the way and wrong you?
I assure
I can't recall your face
And your name doesn't bring
To mind
anyone I've ever known.
you knock upon my door
Too soft for me
to truly be angry and
Too loud for me to ignore.
Won't you tell me your purpose?
Or is your pleasure born of my discomfort?
That's it!
You vile wretch,
Thieving my air
from my lungs-
I feel you!
Stealing my life
Stealing my life!
How dare you?
Who sent you?
Why are you here?
Not now!
Any time but now.
Any when but this when.
This life is mine!
I've paid heavily for this whore!
The tears, blood and friends I've lost.
The blood, friends and love I've lost.
I've lost...
I'm lost, so lost...
I see.
I'm yours.
Take me.
Turtle Trance

Is breathing a tool of the living?
If so, you'll be the death of me.
You always steal my breath
Dancing Muse
Your moves sooth my desire
My thoughts are consumed with you.
At best I've become a slave to this passion.
You are as sweet as moonlight.
and my heart beats in reverance of your
I beg...
Bathe me in your glow.
[In]Organic Angel

Woman with a thousand faces
Bound by experience
She waits.
Waits for word from her soul
saying she can go in peace.
She waits on lies.
Inside and out, empty.
But her eyes are glazed with life
darkened by the past,
She paints her present bright
Looking to sculpt her future perfect.
Dear Troubled Soul

Silence was the first to go
But the last to leave this place
As I took an lonely ocean ride
Tied with ribbon and shoelace
Bound with bubble gum and magic tape
I carried words but could not record their meaning
A mist of angels spit
and devils admiration
sealed tight inside a snapple bottle

I found the shore much lonelier than the sea.

I hope the world remembers your
starlike form
When the moon comes calling for
your smile.

All the things I've done...

Greetin's readers. How fair thee in these ending days of June? I feel somewhere outside myself, my consciousness is a kite following my body out of tethered obligation. If possible, I wouldn't mind going blank for a while- some sort of living autopilot. I think I need a vacation. A real vacation. Well, to be honest, I really think I just need to move. As of late I've been listening to my classic 'get out of here'
play list, which is topped by 'Summerland' by Everclear. Great song; So good in fact that despite knowing next to nothing about Summerland, California, I still want to move there. If only for a short period of time. Check the song out, if you haven't heard it.
I'm just about to get ready for work. I think I'll post again later. I got nothing I really feel page worthy, but... its a long day and I've had the single line muse on my shoulder. She whispers amazing lines - single lines. I just can't seem to go anywhere with them.
"But River Man, a single line can be poetry."
Yeah... But these feel unfinished to me. Not meant to be one liners. Maybe I'll post a short piece with little/no babbling. We shall see.


He rose,
Not with vigor or intent
instead with an indolent
air that left a bitter taste.
His cant was
slow as if the thoughts had to
travel an unheard expanse
to exit his blistered lips.
His disgusting, swollen lips
dripping saliva like a
dog. His voice the cackle of
A hyena
This man had long abandoned
humanity and staggered
into the decay of death
living. An empty husk
a crust
a hull
with addiction where his mind
once was and a heart pumping
despair. Awaiting his train
To hell.
And I...
I sell him the tickets
and pray he catches his ride.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Run! Pigs afoot!

Hello all. This weekend was uncommonly busy. It started heavy with an unexpected (and honestly undesired) Friday night fight. On Saturday I took a trip downtown to Union Square with Gypsy Pete. I love the city. Running into craziness is nearly inevitable. We encountered a (self-claimed) 6'7" Jew who gave me a painting, a group of dare-bound college girls looking for a cheek to kiss and a strange Brooklynite with a sign offering free hugs. Sunday I went fishing for about 9 hours and didn't catch a goddamned thing. My consolation was a reinforced distaste for seafood.
I'm oversimplifying, of course, but you get the idea. I don't particularly feel like posting anything long winded tonight - I feel a bit out of it. The past few nights I've been catching sleep on and off. It's been more like a series of naps than an actually good nights rest.
Hopefully the next time I close my eyes tonight, I don't open them until sunlight is staining the sky.

Final Harvest

Mr. Jenson addressed
His class
the day before
their freedom

Keeping his concerns beneath
his collar
and wearing
on his brow
He spoke

"Life is hard
-Forget you've known this
and hear me out-
Life is hard
and dying is the easy part.
But the ease
in death
can never overcome
the forfeiture involved.

When faced with
A path
Of a thousand
Rolling hills of
Fresh grass
Ignore the sign
to mind the reaching blades
and blaze your own trail.

My students,
I've tasted
the spring of
and subservience
and have found
The former
to quench a thirst
I hadn't known
I had.

Followed my green hills
I found
Your eyes
and minds
I made them mine
But now they're yours
With hopes that you
See clearer
Listen closer
and think
That thought
You thought
You were sure of.

You have all come
so far
in the years
Since we've met
and I have become
A relic
In your world
...Nothing more than
A friendly reminder
of what
Once was.

... What will be ...
My friends
I leave to you."

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Crossing the I's and Dotting the T's

Shocked? I'm back after just two days. How is this possible? Well, what better to do with the aforementioned boredom then enrich this phenomenal page of mine? How was your Tuesday, dear reader? Mine was uneventful. Wake, work, sleep, and repeat.
Gypsy Pete paid me a visit and we wove mile-long plans again. We would take over the world if we weren't so goddamned lethargic. We envisioned our own publishing company. Now to snatch it out of the thought bubble and slap it into reality! Eventually.
Random rant: I am growing tired of people disagreeing with me when I tell them of my bipolarity. The classic image of some bug-eyed individual flipping from happy to sad is NOT the standard. That’s pretty damn crazy, actually. Your dear River Man suffers from BP II.
"River Man, oh River Man, what is BP II??"
Well, dear reader, BP II (Bipolar II Disorder) is a variant of BP lacking the manic states. To clear things up -

Mania: People having a manic episode of mood can be elated, euphoric, irritated and/or suspicious. There will be an increase in physical and mental rate and quality. Increased energy and over-activity is common; speech can become racing. The need for sleep is reduced. Attention span is low and easily distracted.

Usually, we do not suffer from manic episodes.
"But River Man, how can you have Manic Depression if you don't suffer from Mania?!"
Well, I do suffer from Mania - a form of Mania called Hypomania.

Hypomania: During hypomanic episodes, patients may become more productive or noticeably goal driven, but their ability to function well in their normal daily activities is not impaired. Hypomania is generally a less destructive state than mania, and people in the hypomanic phase generally experience less of the symptoms of mania than those in a full-blown manic episode. The duration is usually also shorter than in mania. This is often a very 'artistic' state of the disorder, where there is a flight of ideas, extremely clever thinking, and an increase in energy.

Well, ain't that something! So, this image of the wo/man rapidly flipping between and smile and a frown is NOT the true representation of Manic Depression. At the very least not as a whole. Like those it afflicts, this disorder varies. Episodes can last a number of days, and at times the individual may not be strongly depressed or manic, but rather a strange sort of indifferent. So please, if someone tells you they are manic-depressive DO NOT DISAGREE. Unless of course you happen to be a psychologist with extensive experience with Bipolars, in which case say what you will.
That is all I have to say on that topic. Onward! Today’s piece was -you guessed it- written today and unedited. Haven't edited shat lately. This one was scribbled on the bus to work. It was the second of three written on that ride and the one I like the best at this very moment. I will call it


She peers about
Eyes I imagine an angel
Somewhere regrets parting with.
I'm lost somewhere
in thought
when her view falls to me. Breathe
A silent reminder to myself as I return
Her hazy gaze
as if to say

Bearer of the sweetest eyes,
It is I that you crave
to look at
For the rest of your time!"

Prolonged breath finally
Exiting my excited lungs
She dons a pair of
Ruby sunglasses
And takes her leave
As if to say


Monday, June 18, 2007

Flaming Flasks Afoot

Greetings, my allegiant readers. It has been about a month since my last post.
-Momentary 'inside the River Man's mind': The stereotypical AA introduction ("...a month since my last drink...") flooded my mind when I typed that. I laughed. That, my friends, is how low my wit has sunk.-
How has your June been thus far? Mine has been hellishly busy. I'm working Monday through Friday, about 7 hours a day. I'm sure I have a few 9-to-5ers laughing at my dismay. To you I say: Fuck off.
"Hey River Man" You may say at this point. "Aren't you supposed to be working?"
Of course I am! However, the joys of being a teachers assistant mean I have an immeasurable amount of free time, ultimately equating to a dangerous roller-coaster ride with boredom. Judging from the slight unease and rumbling in my fingertips, I’d say also with starvation. It would appear that the older I get, the less I can deal with hunger. As a child, malnourishment was a staple of my household; ironic that now I can't deal with even the slightest lapse in sustenance. So tell me, dear readers, why is it you return? Does my verse really draw your interest, or is it my occasional ramblings of the drudgery of life? If you're new... well... then obviously that question doesn't apply to you. Damn you.
Anyhow... Onward to today’s piece! I wrote it about an hour ago... and I like it damn it. You will also.

Broken Glass Symphony

Gazing down the barrel of a smoking .45
Waiting for the impact. Patiently
Eagerly anticipating the sweet sex
Of metal and flesh. Wondering
How long it’s been since it begun
And the abrupt interruption -
Those words
They burn the throat like vomit

Such a long, lonely road we walk
My dear - such a long, lonely road
Headed everywhere we’ve already been
Or haven’t any interest in visiting.
Silly, isn’t it?
Writhing the way we do with
Time cascading around us
And pooling at our feet
Resembling a thousand missed opportunities.

“Life is in the future”

Repeat until you believe it,
They say,
Repeat until you believe it - my dear.
And amid the confusion forget
Tomorrow is yesterday disguised
Wearing ambiguity and hope like a prom dress
Destined to be shed
And tumble headlong into ill repute.
Such a scarlet past, isn’t it?
If only the truth could be conquered with such ease

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Trying to screw around with the page.... deleted the counter by accident. =( Sad, sad day in River Man land.

Edit: Put in a new one. Lets see if it works. I removed the anchor and all so it might not. Hrm...

Edit(2):Haha! Got my old counter back. Right digits too. =)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Manatees of May

'Ello all. Today I am in quite the happy mood. Not entirely sure why, but there's no point in spoiling it with questions! It is a beautiful day outside; I cannot fully justify why I'm still sitting inside plastered to this computer screen, other than I felt compelled to post. Currently in a summertime revamp phase.
"River man, oh River man, what is a summertime revamp?" you ask.
That's the glorious time of the year when I make all my plans for the upcoming year. New years’ are far too cold and busy for me to ponder such important topics, so I save it for this wonderful time of year when my spirits are lifted by the warming weather. Let me tell ya, I am out doing myself with plans. Hell, if I accomplished half of the stuff I put into motion it'd be a good haul. Really though, what is the point in only planning things you can definitely get done? Live alittle! On my list for the upcoming year: Go skydiving. Realistic chance: .0001% Do I care? Not particularly. If it is done, fucking awesome.

I want to start writing again. Prose, I mean. I used to write short stories constantly. Mostly falling into the fantasy realm, I harbored half-assed dreams of getting a novel published. The book didn't have to do well - I would love if it did - but just to see my name on that cover. To know that locked within those pages was a world born only of my mind and the various sources of inspiration I called upon. That someone besides myself could see all the twisted tales I weave in my head all day long and perhaps even enjoy one. Fucking awesome. However, I swerved away from all that when I went back to school. No time for imaginary worlds when I'm trying to learn the scientific intricacies of the one I inhabit. That's another thing on my list though: write my ass off this year.
In truth, I am a man of such little discipline that these aspirations are virtually self-defeating. The more I want to accomplish something, the further from my reach it is. On my list: Stick to my guns. Say it. Do it. Repeat.
Plenty of other junk on the list, but there is plenty of time to elaborate. For now, I want to go onward to today’s piece.

Grinning in the Face of Fate

Don’t worry, little fellow…
Picking at the cherry tree
Love will find you before you go
He is on his way I’m sure –
He is rarely late, you know.
For what he carries on his back,
I assure is worth the wait.

I have just the one in mind…
There is this little lady
Laying beside the river bank
She appears the lonely type
Tired of the lying boys
Lying –Hidden- in the bushes,
Waiting for their chance to pounce.

Her lovely gaze is skyward,
Mind lost somewhere in the clouds-
I’d bet she’s waiting on love too.
Love and his tired wings to
Swallow her whole and take her
Far away, so damn far away
She forgets every detail
of her lonely river side.

And knows only love and its
Intricacies. It’s ugly
And corroded intricacies.
Perhaps you’re her stainless knight
Aberrant little fellow
Listlessly plucking leaves from that
Cherry tree in tune with the

Song of your feeble breathing
Waiting to find a surprise
Amongst all the monotony
Perhaps, my friend, she is your
Sweet Summertime Butterfly
Destined to set your life abloom
And release you from this tree

This aging and exposed tree
How long has it served your need?
Assisted your escape from thought?
Not much longer now, dear lad
Love is surely on his way
Carrying your future in a
Quiver on his back. Ready
To uplift you life with the
Gentle strumming of his bow.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Brewed In Holland

Nothing caps a shitty day quite like an ice cold Heineken. Yep... today was a winner. The past couple weeks have been pretty shatty overall. Had to quit one of the jobs... it was turning out to be too much. Atleast I made it to the end of the semester. My entire 'get out by may 08' plan was shot to shit by some renovations at the lab, meaning a class I need will not be offered this summer. Now, it seems my foolish ass will be a student an extra year. Whooo Hooo. My cousin wanted me to go up to Buffalo this upcoming weekend, but I have plans. That isn't such a bad thing... I think I'm going to enjoy the plans. And I could always go up there the week after.
How rude of me! How are you, dear readers? Hopefully your last two weeks (Has it even been that long? Longer?!) have found you in good spirit and health. For my fellow students - how were finals? Good I hope. I had a disappointing semester, I suspect. I'll let you know when the grades come in.
Well, I've found heavy inspiration as of late. I suspect its the sudden release of brain activity ~ the rebirth of the precollege mind of the River Man. When I had nothing better to do with my time than drink and write! Those were the days. Well... life is in the future... not the past. Got to keep reminding myself these days.
I thought of an interesting idea... but wasn't going to run it by you fine individuals because I figured it'd fail. Fuck it. Here's the deal. You suggest topics, and I'll try and write a piece about them. It may not be the greatest, but it'll be something mildly metrically sound. Hows that? Tempted? I know I might get some silly topics, or perhaps none at all. But, I figured I'd give it a shot. There ya go. Respond freely and give me your ideas! I dare ya.
On to tonights piece. More unedited. This site has caused me to abandon the editing process. I'm too amped to post. Quite backwards. It has no title... some I'm making something up right now. ...
Got it.

Summertime Downpour

Scattered about the mess I'm calling home
Pretending home is nothing more than a hole
filled with empty feelings
Imagining just how close I am
Scared I'll never be this close again
To feeling that I belong
Guess I'll never belong so long as
I paint paradise in watercolors.
Praying the rain passes me by

If I could never move again
I guess I'd be happy with
soft sheets and a firm pillow
Label the bed "the best it gets" and
let the rest fade around me
Made an art of settling,
aren't I creative?
Finely mastered servitude,
How's that for thinking outside the box?

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

100% Unrecycled Paper Bits

Greetings people. It's may day. To be perfectly honest, I have never quite understood what the hell may day is. And you may say 'River man... really... you're on the internet... do some research man!' but I don't feel like it. I don't care that much about may day.
So, you've noticed I'm babbling aye? Alot of work lately... this really should be my time to be enjoying the company of my pillow, but I missed you people. I've almost reached the 200 level... I gotta get the page swarming!! Tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell anyone! Lie! Say I update so often you can't keep up with me! Say I live the most amazing life you could ever imagine. ... What the hell am I doing? If you can't make up a lie to draw the attention of the masses (or at the very least your immediate social group) I don't know how the hell you got this far in life.
Ok... now the babbling is bothering me! I'm off. I'll be back soon. Yes, I always say that... I gotta keep you wanting more. I will be back though... with truckloads of stuff to talk about (lie)... check in every now and then. And comment damnit!

Waving in the Freezing Breeze

Gypsy Pete is green
And perspiring
While all the devil’s men scream
‘You are nothing more than
less than what you could have been –
And him… cursed by the River…
Can never be half of what you are.’
Their words become the better of them
And perhaps we’re better for it
‘Cause there is little worse than a wasted breath.
Isn’t that our reason for howling at the crowd
In fevered attempts to enlighten?
Enshroud would be the better term
We weave our verse into blanket and noose
To comfort the listeners as we hang before them
A twisted vestige of what could have been
If now was then
And then was just a dreamland
Colored random shades of yellow
All this talk has me
So sleepy…
So very fucking sleepy…
Would you mind if I just
closed my eyes for the minutest moment.
The shortest second of rest is all I need
I will be back to pick up where I left off
And onward we will stride down the path we’ve begun
Until we find its end and finish it.
I give you my word!
My friend…
If a wordsmith’s word is worth nothing
What is the wordsmith worth?

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Thinking into the B[o]x

It is a beautiful night here. I have risen from my funk like the mighty phoenix. Well, perhaps a tad bit less graceful. Like a mighty pigeon, I'd say. This night is certainly aiding in the lifting of my spirits. City life is something else. During the winter, the city is alive. Certainly, it is more active than rural/suburban areas, but you don't truly notice the life until the weather makes that warm shift. My block is as filled as it would be at 2 in the afternoon. I wonder how I will make it outside the concrete confines of this world I've known. I'll have to find out one day - I refuse to be here until my bucket tips.
I am tired. Exhausted! Which brings to mind all those celebrities who pass out, or cancel work because of exhaustion. If they only knew real work! I can't afford to claim exhaustion and call out from my duties. Can't afford it in regards to finance or sanity. What is this nonsense of sanity, you say? Well... I'm a workaholic. Have to be, because I'm also shamelessly lethargic.
Perhaps lethargy is an incorrect title. I'm just... easily disinterested. If I don't dedicate myself to something 100%... whatever percentage that has been put towards it will slowly diminish until I don't care for it at all. Ergo, if I weren't a workaholic, I probably wouldn't work. I've been trying to work (love the appearance of that word now, though it isn't even remotely humorous - I got a laugh)on getting over that mentality... but I often find that this old dog has a VERY hard time learning new tricks.

Off of that for a moment... I feel the need to comment briefly on the state of the world. This Virginia tech shooting was absolutely shocking... but not in the way you'd expect. What shocked me most was my initial lack of shock. It seemed nothing. A guy goes crazy and kills 32 people? And...? Where's the new and surprising kick? This train of thought was quite disturbing and begged my attention at a rather late hour of the night. Upon pondering it, I realized how large my tolerance for human behavior is. I suppose being psychologically 'different' myself (heh... how very politically correct of me. I want to say ' being a fucking nutjob myself') has exposed my mind to some disturbing extremes, but nevertheless... shouldn't I have been saddened? I found the need to look up personal pages of some of the victims on facebook and myspace to put personalities to the faces I saw in the news paper. That was when I was truly hit. My deepest sympathies go out to the families affected. I apologize for my fellow primates... we often have trouble seeing beyond ourselves. I do feel sorry for Mr. Cho. Whatever twisted his mind into the shattered mess it was before he spread it across the 2nd floor of that building must have been a terrible event. I believe that, for the most part, we are the sum of our experiences. Genetic disposition may play a small role, but life experience holds the heaviest sway. Whenever I see someone whom I would write off as 'disturbed' I always take a moment to wonder what brought them to that point. In a sense, I pray for them as well. I prey that then can forget those horrible memories or perhaps, if nothing else, use the memories to strengthen their resolve. I pray about as much as an agnostic atheist can pray to whatever it is I pray to. This world is a mess. But, as I traverse this tired path - beaten by countless feet before mine - I can't help but appreciate the mess. In a realm of such lows, the highs are quite euphoric.

Blue Eyes and Low Lids

If I promised to love you,
would you let me stay the night?
We could do that dance again
That tired trot again.
I've memorized the steps
and perfected every sway.
In the morning
I'd be on the floor and you...
You'd be on your back
Wishing me away
Wishing to wake up somewhere far from us.
Sweetheart, this waltz was old when we began it
and now...
It's beginning to rot.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Apple Flavored Oranges

Hello one and all. I know, I know. You're thinking 'Jeez, this guy never fucking writes.' You'd be damn near right. I rarely do these days, and I am losing my own interest in my older shat. Meanwhile, being reminded of how shitty Bipolar Disorder is. I talk alot of garbage about being able to handle it, but only because it seems almost unreal when its not in your face. I had a manic burst about a week ago- spanned about a week at that- and I was afraid of when I came crashing. I have, and it fucking sucks. I forgot just how much it fucking sucks. I'm manic far more often, and while that is far from great I find it to be more manageable. Perhaps because I'm more accustom to it. I don't mind the irritability because I don't have to deal directly with it. The anger it causes isn't that bad because I'm used to anger. Anger was the center of my existence when I was younger. The fast-paced and irrelevant thinking processes are fine because my thoughts are usually pointless anyway, if I have more, but cycle through them faster I'm getting the better of the deal. The weird obsession with death is... weird. But, I'm used to that also.
Depression, on the other hand, fucking sucks. I'm sure some of the people reading this have experienced depression, maybe a few of you are even BP's. It is no fun, eh? I literally feel the urge not to exist, just to talk a break from the whole process of being. Not suicidal, mind you. I find that to be cowardly, and if there is anything in this world I refuse to be labeled, its a coward. I'd rather die a fool. Foolish, I know. I don't know why that is... ask my subconscious.
Anyway, I could write for ages.... but really... I don't fucking want to. This piece is new. Unedited. No desire to edit it. Read it damnit.

Written Nonsense

Listlessly listening to the sounds of my breathing
Watching the pens shadow dancing on the wall...
I want a cigarette.
I want a vacation from reality
but I can't afford my dreams
-the sleep would be the end of me.
So, instead I sit and wonder
'My soul will return one day, won't it?'
If not, I haven't much use for this husk - want it?
All the world is grey and slowly fading
My meters a muddled mess
and I nothing more than a dog who
howls like a wolf.
Oh how I want nothing more than a vacation from reality
but I can't afford my dreams
-the sleep would be the end of me.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Wake up

March is on its way out the door and the chilly weather seems to be going with it. Of course, I've probably just damned my east coast brethren to another month of freakishly cold weather. Sorry.
I've been out of it lately. I guess its just the extra time to breath I have, thanks to the momentary break from that hardcore schedule. It definitely shows in what I've been writing lately - can't help but put it all on paper. Either way, fuck your worries people and onward we stride!
How's everyone else doing? Got something like 160 different people that have visited the page. Hopefully, a few are coming back. I'll try to keep you here. Todays piece:

Mr. Hatiko's Despair

He awakens
Glare of the morning sun
A blinding reminder that yesterday is no more
and today is just a yesterday waiting to expose its rosy cheeks
The Bronx bleeds its symphony through the cracks in his window frame
Subway cars and a forgotten Major fuse as they traverse the cigarette stained air
On a path to his ear
There’s no place like home
No place quite worthy of the lovely, hateful mess of feelings attached to it
Like this towering concrete prison
Its captives unlearned and over-experienced
Finding love for sale in the hands of children -
Children finding love in the loins of children -
Creating children in the loins of children.
And he is nothing more than a child
Wearing the mask of an adult and flexing his voice as one
His glare is that of a lone wolf in the forest of his mind
He finds he likes his time alone and he worries
If he can move beyond the blood and spit stained path
Carved by those before him,
Can he walk a golden road?
Will his legs carry him beyond his grungy walls of insecurity
To the oft visited dreamlands of his mind?
Or is this urban seer merely unfortunate enough to have been born with eyes
Fine focused enough to witness his own demise and see that
Today is just a yesterday waiting to show her gleaming browns
Will he let them raise him up or keep him down?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

And Still My Emerald Heart Beats

Happy St. Patrick's Day, all! Yes, I am Irish -and Puerto Rican- and bleed green like the best of them. St. Patrick's day has always been a happy day for me. When I was younger, no matter her condition at the time, my mother would always make corn beef and cabbage ("More Yank than Irish" says a friend of mine) on Saint Patty's. I never did enjoy it, but there was something about having that one tradition in the otherwise tradition-less house --It was the only real 'holiday' we 'celebrated'. As I got older, it shifted to a reason to drink and be merry... simultaneously of course. I would gather my friends, be them Irish or not, and get absolutely wasted. Eventually, even that became old. Now I just get a smile on my face upon waking, don a green shirt, have a couple drinks and let my emerald heart beat.
So, in honor of this day, the next pint is on me! Enjoy the day, everyone, because its not only about the Irish -- it's about the underdog. It's about raising up past all that stands in your way, and lending a hand to someone who is having trouble with their own obstacles. A celebration of humanity and our bond with one another.

Enough preaching! You've got drinking to do!

Silencing the Banshee

When all the world raises
to meet me in war or just in jest
I do not fear a moment,
thank the Shamrock in my chest.
When all the darkness sets in
and light cannot be seen,
I know that all around me
I've got the mighty green.
When the ground twists and bulges
to block my steadfast stride,
I rise above on Emerald wings
and soar on Irish Pride.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Come and Take Them

Busy week for the ol' River Man. Saw Reno 911, The Number 23 and 300 (note: it has just dawned on me that they all have numbers involved in the titles somehow). For the most part, Reno was funny. Although, I found myself desiring some wit, instead of the relentless bombardment of stupidity that has dominated comedies as of late. 23 was great. The ending felt a bit forced - some connective tissue was definitely missing. Overall though it was an amazing movie, as well as another example of Jim Carey's abilities as a serious actor. If you haven't seen The Majestic or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, you are seriously missing out... especially with the latter. 300 was incredible. This is a movie more driven by honor than The Last Samurai (running into a hail of bullets for your beliefs) or Braveheart (entering a suspected trap for the possibility of obtaining freedom). If you know the story of Thermopylae, then you can assume how it ends. Nevertheless, it makes you want to purge the world of fire arms and return warfare to it honorable beginnings -- face to face, sword to sword.
Enough with the movie critic role! I am (if I were to leave this very moment) an hour late for work. Tardiness is becoming more frequent; Perhaps my subconscious is aiming for my release from one of these positions. On the other hand, maybe I'm just damned lazy. Either way, onward with the verse.


Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of poverty and disgrace
Silently simmering love in a tablespoon in my bedroom
Blanking out to the sweet sounds of Dylan.
God, forgive me
but I've lost my faith in you.
In me a muted fire burns its final log to ash and I tire
of trying to fit my technicolor mind
into the world of gray you've placed before me. Why try?
Death seeks out the joyous
So I've made it my mission to smile the widest
Still the reaper avoids me
Maybe he knows my plan
Maybe Lachesis has extended her rod and
Atropos has cast an idle eye to their garden flowers
in hopes my begrimed thread will rot itself away.
-Heartless wretches, the lot of the sentient world-
I refuse to be part of it
Found all the love I need in darkness and needle points
I have no need for the living
With their shamed looks and whispers
The judgment of one guilty man
cast from the lips of another
is nothing but a mockery of honor and sense.
Wanton behavior at best and
I won't have any of it.
Now if you will,
Please allow me to excuse myself
as a man of poverty and disgrace
Been around a long, long year
Sold my soul
Burnt my faith.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Long Winded Wont

Greetings all. Hopefully everyone is in good spirits. I'm drained. Another overworked bastard only managing to make ends meet. Same old story, different voice spitting it. However, I've set out to make more time for writing. I think I really need to write more these days. Ol' insanity is a sneaking back up on me. That's no good, my friends.
On the subject of writing, had a Tenacious D moment today. I know, I know, you're saying 'River Man, oh River man... whats a Tenacious D moment??" Well, TD is a band who performed the greatest song in the world, forgot it, and wrote a song about the whole experience. I thought the most amazing poem today. Just went free in the mind, and it was flowing like water. Made plans to write it down, but they didn't exactly work out. So, I sat down tonight to try something else, but that also died down. I have hope for the latter... if I complete it I'll throw it up here.
I can't lie... I'm terribly disappointed in this blog. I had such plans. Such hopes. I feel as if I have fallen horribly short. Perhaps my public display was premature. In fact, I have very little doubt it was. But, it is what it is, as that is all it can be. So onward we trek, towards my new goal of righteousness. Not the biblical sort though. The righteousness that arises when you visit a blog, read some of its content and say "Whoa. This is righteous." Others might use awesome, cool, amazing, kick ass, poppin', pimpin', fly, off the chain, off the hook, off the rack, dope, radical, unbelievable, indescribable, godly, super, superb, wonderful, mind-blowingly orgasmic, etc. I prefer righteous.
Anyway, onward with tonights piece. It seems unfinished. But, I almost don't mind. Almost.

Verbal Still Life

Ankles crossed
Mouth ajar
He sits in disbelief
It's happened again
That swirling mass of nothingness has
swallowed him whole
without the decency to chew
Hand rests on paper
Pen tip just moments away
from an inky disaster
to be forgotten in the tired
corners of a book
against penguins.
Eyes burn, cause blinking is overrated
and underdone
Stomach rumbles, another cold dinner
sliding down.
What's the point?
All the worlds in black and white
and he's a pastel mess.
It's happened again
He's settled for nothing more than nothing he wants
and he can't find the exit.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Morning Bus Ride thoughts
My mind is full of endthoughts. What's an endthought, you ask? Well, they are thoughts that force the mind into an 'intellectual corner' in which instict urges you to just end the thoughts. Death, or perhaps what follows it, is an endthought. My religious readers will try to argue this, I'm sure. Try this: step back from your views for one second and try to imagine the nothingness that could follow. The end of you. Darkness. Well, not even darkness. Darkness is an absence of light - this is an absence of everything. An absence of an absence.
That's not the endthought on my mind though. The mind is. The concious mind. Not mine, but others. All around me are concious minds who are all 'I' in regards to themselves. To them, I'm a strange guy in the corner furiously scribbling away in what they would probably call a journal. They look at the world from different heights, different levels of sight, from behind the veil of different experiences. They each have their own lists of things in themselves and this world they are unhappy with. All the lists are different. Some points are shared but if we listed the worlds gripes unrepeating, I haven't a doubt it would exhaust the paper supplies and still not be done.
I suppose the endthought aspect of this is its vastness. My mind struggles to imagine sharing sight with one other person, let alone a bus load. A cities worth. All the worlds citizens.
... Lost my thought, or perhaps my mind abandoned it for some higher sake. Vindication mayhaps.

Lithium and Heart Shaped Scars

Be Still
Just Breath
We can still be all we've dreamed of
The world's an open book
and your mind's the pencil
Keep it sharp
The brightest star's the first seen at night
Wishing is a waste of time
Yours and mine
You and I
We make misery marvelous
a colorful mess to combat
shadows we cast.
Here it goes again
The end, that is
The end of the start
and the beginning of the rest...
Rest assured
the trip is best enjoyed
From the drivers seat
No question
in this ratrace of Mice and Men
I'd rather be a wolf
...Here Kitty, kitty...
My bark is worse than my bite
as long as I'm well fed.
No worries lovely lady,
Your loving keeps the belly full.
Autumn Angel,
Seems the secrets free
We can still be all we've dreamed of
All we wanted
Just breath
Be Still.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Queen of Clubs and Hearts and Spades

And guess what.. He's alive!!
I know, I know... I went MIA 2 weeks. Miss me? During my time adrift, I aged a year, enjoyed a day of love and wrote a couple things here and there. Still plagued by writers block. Nevertheless, even the strongest foe will bow to an iron will. I see that during my time away I've managed to get a couple fans, or one big one. Either way, thanks for your comments! I know I've said it before -but I love the praise. It warms the chest cavity. Damn... It seems to have very little to say tonight. My mind is well beyond overworked. Perhaps I will have more to babble about tomorrow. Until then, read on.

Sinners Sanctuary

An old man stands atop a weary, turbid stone

-It is not the sun that sets
but the earth that turns away...
still I stand here, cursing the skies,
pleading the darkness for one more moments light.
Are we all that different?
The sun and I?-

His questions make me wonder and I ask...

Have I not been the moon?
Hiding in the shadows until
I can shine the brightest?
Only showing part
when you crave it all
At times staying hidden to avoid your affection
The topic of hearsay
They say I control the tides of hearts abound
And drive the sane berserk when my face is shone
Still I beam
and gleam and glimmer in this time of warring twins
Are my evils more than shadows misconstrued?
Am I any better for the error?

That depends...
Are you the judge or am I?

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Fruit Flavored Life Savers

Well, as you may have figured, the opportunity did not arise yesterday. To be honest with ya, the only chance I really had to sit down at a computer was wasted on an hour or so of online game stumbling. These things happen damn it. I want to thank those (three) that have commented directly or through the guestbook. I appreciate the recognition (actually I enjoy few things more). Sorry I didn't thank earlier, forgot my manners and all I suppose. For those of you waiting for me to spiffify my page up before you grace it with your written presence, you will be waiting a bit longer. I have plans, but I have to find time to make them reality. Until then, you're stuck with the humdrum minima snazzed only by my choice in pigmentation and lettering. How unfortunate it is to be you, huh? Meanwhile, I got out of work a bit early today. Mondays and Wednesdays are my TA days. Perhaps I should clear that up, because despite knowing what that stands for even my mind went to the typical perversions. Mon and Wed, I am a Teaching Assistant. Occasionally on Sundays also. Mainly for various aspects of college biology. In fact strictly so. Tuesdays and Thursdays, I tutor various math and bio courses during the day. Saturday, Sundays and whatever weekdays need attention I am a Lab Tech. Needless to say... I am hellishly tired often. All in the pursuit of my goal, that would seem to be teaching right now.

Okay, okay I know you want me to shut up and get to the writers block ridden verse already. Saying to yourself "where's this 'strictly performance piece' you spoke of yesterday? On to it, man, on to it!"

Can't argue with that...

Strawberries in the Morning

You seem a lovely mystery
Casting a glance from the corner of your eye
cause you know I'm looking and
I think you like it.
Hell, I think you love it
knowing I want you like I do
Want to know everything about you
Want to fall in love with you
Not just the sight of you
The very thought of you
I want to fall in love with the feeling of your name on my lips
And the sound of your voice in the air...
Forget making love
I want us to invent love
I want envy amongst the bonded masses
cause their love is nothing like our love.
Knowing nothing of the sweet taste of
strawberry kisses in the waking hours.
I want to live a dream
and never sleep again
never risk never seeing you again
I want to grow old with you
then spin back the hands of the clock so I can
Want to grow old with you once more
and be with you forever on.
But damn...
I just want to know your name.

Monday, January 29, 2007

And so I will...

So I will post something born of this current writers block to show just how deep I am in it. However, as I said yesterday, it is easing. I haven't even gotten the chance to sit down with the book today... an event becoming more common. I suppose when this block lifts I will be as consumed with writing as usual. That's the typical progression of this. In the mean time... I'm trying to decide between something that is strictly performance, and something that will work on paper (screen). The choice should be obvious, but I am a goddamned performer... so I happen to prefer the former. However, I'll post the latter and if the opportunity arises tomorrow, I'll throw the other on here.

Silver Sight

I can't help but wonder...
Did we discover
something better than heaven?
Sure as hell felt that way
in that silent supernove
Swear I heard the stars gasp
when I found the other half of me
Did you hear the cheers that followed?
Did you know how right that wrong was?
I hadn't any doubts, still don't, still won't
have your steel resolve.
It doesn't change a thing.
What's meant to be, will be
What isn't, will not.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Wolf Cubs and Mental Math

And the shitty mood continues, although significantly less shitty. Birthday's 'round the bend, hopefully I'm in better spirits by then. I plan on heading out to see that new flick Blood and Chocolate, simply because it in some way involves wolves. .. Yes, I must admit it. Have to come out of the furry, howling closet. I am a wolf freak. Haven't quite gotten the handle on why, though I've heard enough ideas to choke a horse -- or bring it down in a methodical and sophisticated manner. Feel free to share your theories... maybe one will draw that long sought 'oh shit... that makes a lot of sense.'
Separate, unrelated note: it just dawned on me that I had laid a wet shirt across my computer chair. Seems it took this long to soak the one I am currently wearing I guess. I'm not compelled to move whatsoever, though. Complacency is a wonderful thing. That's something forgotten far too often; or at the very least it seems that way. I work with a girl who has that 'must please/best everyone' attitude and it is bloody irritating. Besides that, though, it's a fountain of discontent. If you like something, you can be damn sure she likes it too. You did something? She's done it twice before. Liked that movie? She loved it and read the book. Whatever you bring up --no matter how exotic and remote-- she knows exactly what you're talking about. Almost as if she is afraid of being out of the loop. Not in the 'in crowd'. That is an unfortunate M.O. to have. You may be saying at this point 'well, it's no worse then the asshole who observes it all, lets it piss him off and then blog-bitches about it'. You'd be right. But fuck you, I like me goddamnit and that's what it is all about: complacency.

Onto tonight’s piece, which is --you guessed it-- another old one. Writers block is in the process of lifting. Maybe tomorrow I'll throw on some WB ridden piece I scribbled this afternoon. With any luck, my monstrous ego will be so annoyed that I put something it considered sub-par online that it will immediately beat my subconscious from this funk. Or... it won't. Any bets?

Salty Song

I've cut myself to pieces
Trying to add up to more than I am
To be enough for you.
But I keep coming up short.
White tie on a black suit
Worn by a white man with a Technicolor mind
Has a red stain where he cut his soul free...
Or tried to, only to find it was
Who'da thought those cloudy years
Would catch up with this sunshine.
Who'da thought I'd hate the past
So much in this dismal future.
Upside down, but still alright
It's a shame, they say
And I can't help but agree
I guess we never get the chance
Maybe for the better.
Light a candle for each missed opportunity
And we'd scorch the world.
Stomach aches again.
Head is spinning again
And it's all in monochrome.
Bite your tongue and hand it here
(Will you?) I need the relief
I feel so hindered (you know)
And the days are so long.
I can't land the falls I could before
My knees are getting weak.
I can't seem to read the words...
My eyes are getting old
And damn, this voice is so damned

Friday, January 26, 2007

Sounds Like a Hushed Thought

Ugh. Ugh in all its melancholic glory. I'm feeling out of it today. Can't seem to pinpoint why; it's strange considering things are going pretty damn well for me. So good that I've hit a bloody writers block. It's fucking horrible... being as writing is like breathing, I'm suffocating in this drought. Random thought: what if this is some bizarre way for my subconscious to achieve its desired goal of writing by putting me in this funk -- Counterintuitive, yes, but that’s how I like it damn it. Or it could just be normal depression of the ol' Bipolar II (though in my mind I like to call it manic-depression... the sequel!), damned ups and downs, ya know... but wouldn't the former be fucking poetic in it self?
On the topic of poetry, tonight’s piece is a little old and bizarre in itself but that’s why I like it. It has so many things going on and yet that's what makes it work. It's jumbled in all the right ways, or so I hope. Read it aloud! It’s a performance piece as most of 'em are. Go crazy with it and Enjoy.

There and Gone Again

When I was your age
-Pluto was a planet
Dancing with the ferryman
By the banks of Styx
The under over world
Filled with inverted company screaming
“Loneliness is pot marked.
That is to say,
Loneliness is pot marked.
That’s all there is to say”
Inkwells feed the hungry
Stars in heaping spoonfuls
And my sanity is north of nowhere
I implore
Dance devil men, dance!
Lest mortals choose your fate
And damn your tapping toes

… I cough for you
And choke on the smoke that was your glory
Care to spend a score?
Don’t get homesick.
When you’re here your sick of home.
We’re never happy, are we?
I asked that before, didn’t I?
I often lose my thoughts to time
In bets of tens and twenty
Cupful of coffee iced to chilled perfection
Can’t freeze the heat of memories
That refuse to die
-All I do is lie-
All my life’s a lie
And I a fallacy
A stray daydream of some godlike figure
-Sad with yesterday.

Can you turn off that light?
It burns my eyes, you see
I’m not like the others
Lone wolves howl the loudest
And humans can’t at all
Can’t you see I don’t belong?
Half moon and a stolen song
Wallowing in a December moan
Sounding something like the tale of a prophet.
Care to take a listen
Can you’re folds contain this knowledge
So knowledgeable
so goddamn knowledgeable
Though I know less than the breeze
Still… can’t forget
When I was your age
Pluto was a planet.
And he danced – so content with his loneliness
So happy in exile
So joyous for border life
And then he was gone.
Don’t you feel lucky?
Don’t you feel lucky?
Feel lucky
So… lucky.
So Lucky
So So
So. Mother. Fucking. Lucky.