Friday, May 18, 2007

Brewed In Holland

Nothing caps a shitty day quite like an ice cold Heineken. Yep... today was a winner. The past couple weeks have been pretty shatty overall. Had to quit one of the jobs... it was turning out to be too much. Atleast I made it to the end of the semester. My entire 'get out by may 08' plan was shot to shit by some renovations at the lab, meaning a class I need will not be offered this summer. Now, it seems my foolish ass will be a student an extra year. Whooo Hooo. My cousin wanted me to go up to Buffalo this upcoming weekend, but I have plans. That isn't such a bad thing... I think I'm going to enjoy the plans. And I could always go up there the week after.
How rude of me! How are you, dear readers? Hopefully your last two weeks (Has it even been that long? Longer?!) have found you in good spirit and health. For my fellow students - how were finals? Good I hope. I had a disappointing semester, I suspect. I'll let you know when the grades come in.
Well, I've found heavy inspiration as of late. I suspect its the sudden release of brain activity ~ the rebirth of the precollege mind of the River Man. When I had nothing better to do with my time than drink and write! Those were the days. Well... life is in the future... not the past. Got to keep reminding myself these days.
I thought of an interesting idea... but wasn't going to run it by you fine individuals because I figured it'd fail. Fuck it. Here's the deal. You suggest topics, and I'll try and write a piece about them. It may not be the greatest, but it'll be something mildly metrically sound. Hows that? Tempted? I know I might get some silly topics, or perhaps none at all. But, I figured I'd give it a shot. There ya go. Respond freely and give me your ideas! I dare ya.
On to tonights piece. More unedited. This site has caused me to abandon the editing process. I'm too amped to post. Quite backwards. It has no title... some I'm making something up right now. ...
Got it.

Summertime Downpour

Scattered about the mess I'm calling home
Pretending home is nothing more than a hole
filled with empty feelings
Imagining just how close I am
Scared I'll never be this close again
To feeling that I belong
Guess I'll never belong so long as
I paint paradise in watercolors.
Praying the rain passes me by

If I could never move again
I guess I'd be happy with
soft sheets and a firm pillow
Label the bed "the best it gets" and
let the rest fade around me
Made an art of settling,
aren't I creative?
Finely mastered servitude,
How's that for thinking outside the box?

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