Monday, June 18, 2007

Flaming Flasks Afoot

Greetings, my allegiant readers. It has been about a month since my last post.
-Momentary 'inside the River Man's mind': The stereotypical AA introduction ("...a month since my last drink...") flooded my mind when I typed that. I laughed. That, my friends, is how low my wit has sunk.-
How has your June been thus far? Mine has been hellishly busy. I'm working Monday through Friday, about 7 hours a day. I'm sure I have a few 9-to-5ers laughing at my dismay. To you I say: Fuck off.
"Hey River Man" You may say at this point. "Aren't you supposed to be working?"
Of course I am! However, the joys of being a teachers assistant mean I have an immeasurable amount of free time, ultimately equating to a dangerous roller-coaster ride with boredom. Judging from the slight unease and rumbling in my fingertips, I’d say also with starvation. It would appear that the older I get, the less I can deal with hunger. As a child, malnourishment was a staple of my household; ironic that now I can't deal with even the slightest lapse in sustenance. So tell me, dear readers, why is it you return? Does my verse really draw your interest, or is it my occasional ramblings of the drudgery of life? If you're new... well... then obviously that question doesn't apply to you. Damn you.
Anyhow... Onward to today’s piece! I wrote it about an hour ago... and I like it damn it. You will also.

Broken Glass Symphony

Gazing down the barrel of a smoking .45
Waiting for the impact. Patiently
Eagerly anticipating the sweet sex
Of metal and flesh. Wondering
How long it’s been since it begun
And the abrupt interruption -
Those words
They burn the throat like vomit

Such a long, lonely road we walk
My dear - such a long, lonely road
Headed everywhere we’ve already been
Or haven’t any interest in visiting.
Silly, isn’t it?
Writhing the way we do with
Time cascading around us
And pooling at our feet
Resembling a thousand missed opportunities.

“Life is in the future”

Repeat until you believe it,
They say,
Repeat until you believe it - my dear.
And amid the confusion forget
Tomorrow is yesterday disguised
Wearing ambiguity and hope like a prom dress
Destined to be shed
And tumble headlong into ill repute.
Such a scarlet past, isn’t it?
If only the truth could be conquered with such ease


Anonymous said...

we walked for miles headed into paradise, so stupid we took the scenic route...

Anonymous said...

hey mike it's me gypsy pete, the man in greem, you gotta post more porms mang....liked the last one....the rant that preceeded it is confussing a bit....personal i guess.
i read yellows too...she seems in a bad mood....not to get personal but i wonder....
ah well...I've some news....visit sometime soon douche bag stranger...
just kiiding but not really maybe i am maybe i'm not to be or not be..
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