Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday Sunday Sunday... Again?!?!

Another sleepless night. This one is mostly my fault though. I am about to go to bed. It's worth noting I hate going to bed as the sky begins to brighten. It feels like such a waste of natural light. Guess you can tell we evolved from diurnal creatures. I did once, so long ago it seems now, love the nocturnal life style.
These pieces are a little old (well, two of them are) but... there was actually some editing done! Whoo Hoo man, Whoo hoo. I was flipping through an old book. I like the style I was using. Not far from my current style, but different nevertheless. So I played around a bit and created this one. Its obviously current, as the tone is 'Neo-River Man' but its a shot. I like trying to recreate my old styles. Eventually, I will meld them all into that unmistakable River Man-ness. One day Ky they will be saying 'Joe Shmoe is the new River Man.' =) Enjoy.

In Truth

At times
When I close my eyes
in search of sleep
I find you and am lost
in the comfort of
my head on your thigh.
The soothing strokes of
your hand through my hair.
The succor of your
soft song in my ear.
The shine of your smile
and paradise in your eyes.

At times such as these
waking is like death.

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