Monday, March 5, 2007

Long Winded Wont

Greetings all. Hopefully everyone is in good spirits. I'm drained. Another overworked bastard only managing to make ends meet. Same old story, different voice spitting it. However, I've set out to make more time for writing. I think I really need to write more these days. Ol' insanity is a sneaking back up on me. That's no good, my friends.
On the subject of writing, had a Tenacious D moment today. I know, I know, you're saying 'River Man, oh River man... whats a Tenacious D moment??" Well, TD is a band who performed the greatest song in the world, forgot it, and wrote a song about the whole experience. I thought the most amazing poem today. Just went free in the mind, and it was flowing like water. Made plans to write it down, but they didn't exactly work out. So, I sat down tonight to try something else, but that also died down. I have hope for the latter... if I complete it I'll throw it up here.
I can't lie... I'm terribly disappointed in this blog. I had such plans. Such hopes. I feel as if I have fallen horribly short. Perhaps my public display was premature. In fact, I have very little doubt it was. But, it is what it is, as that is all it can be. So onward we trek, towards my new goal of righteousness. Not the biblical sort though. The righteousness that arises when you visit a blog, read some of its content and say "Whoa. This is righteous." Others might use awesome, cool, amazing, kick ass, poppin', pimpin', fly, off the chain, off the hook, off the rack, dope, radical, unbelievable, indescribable, godly, super, superb, wonderful, mind-blowingly orgasmic, etc. I prefer righteous.
Anyway, onward with tonights piece. It seems unfinished. But, I almost don't mind. Almost.

Verbal Still Life

Ankles crossed
Mouth ajar
He sits in disbelief
It's happened again
That swirling mass of nothingness has
swallowed him whole
without the decency to chew
Hand rests on paper
Pen tip just moments away
from an inky disaster
to be forgotten in the tired
corners of a book
against penguins.
Eyes burn, cause blinking is overrated
and underdone
Stomach rumbles, another cold dinner
sliding down.
What's the point?
All the worlds in black and white
and he's a pastel mess.
It's happened again
He's settled for nothing more than nothing he wants
and he can't find the exit.

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