Conejo Malo
I was afloat
Roaming the fields
Of Hypnos when
Morpheus, treacherous
Curséd bastard
Came to me in
Your form. Your face.
And I, being
Foolish and fond
As a child
Found life again
Among these damned
Kinsmen of death.
Your voice was as
I’ve remembered
And adoring.
Your eyes pierced me
The slumbering
Essence of love
Aimlessly veiled.
Your smile, bold
And authentic
Once more released
The best of me.
Hours, minutes
Seconds we spoke…
Of which I am
Unsure, but I
Surely jabbered
On – remorseful
Desperately in
Search of pardon.
No – punishment
Wanting only
Your rejoinder
You, who had said
Little during
My rambling,
Reached out a hand
And gently stroked
My face, drawing
Me closer and
Cradling me.
You spoke of pain
And destruction…
Your heart and mine –
Of our love.
You sang of joy
In our sweet dance
Recalling nights
I’ve never lost.
Speaking until
The sunlight took
Hold of the sky.
Unfolding hearts
And revealing
Our souls in
Absolute and
Unquestioned faith.
As I, immersed
Again in love,
Approached your lips
With mine, you sighed.
And asked if I
Recalled the vow
I made that one
October night.
I reaffirmed
“I will take this
world with my verse
and present it
to you, my love.”
You smiled, that
Life defining
Smile, and stepped
Back leisurely
Into the haze
Of morningtide.
your voice, like fog,
clung to my flesh
“Then awaken
and fulfill your
promise, my love.”